
Let's connect to evaluate
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  • business@surfernet.com
  • 17250 SW 52nd Court
    Southwest Ranches, FL 33331. U.S.A.

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Let's partner up to deliver innovation solutions to your customers!

About Us

A Legacy of Innovation

Always riding on the crest of the Innovation Wave!

Leading the development of innovative technological solutions to deliver unique and amazing experiences.
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Surfernet Highlights

We has developed more than 2,500 unique digital projects for the top 40 pharmaceutical companies worldwide, with a special focus on Big Pharma and Healthcare industries.


Years of Experience




Events & Congresses


Successful Relationships


Always focused on real innovation!

28+ Years of Experience

It seems like it was yesterday… It was May 20th, 1996 and I was living in La Jolla, California, about 2 hours South of Los Angeles. It was a Monday and at 1AM PST I registered the domain name www.surfernet.com, which was the beginning of it all. I was leaving behind years of research in theoretical physics and mathematics to fully dive, without any previous experience, into the surfing waters of software, technology and business.

(Dr. Javier Muniain, CEO & Founder. 25th Anniversary Speech)

Our Mission

Design and create unique software solutions and advanced digital tools to deliver amazing interactive experiences for businesses and final users, always using the latest technologies.

Our Vision

Become a key strategic technological partner for our customers designing software solutions customized to their business needs and marketing / sales campaigns.

Worldwide Presence

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