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  • business@surfernet.com
  • 17250 SW 52nd Court
    Southwest Ranches, FL 33331. U.S.A.

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Let's partner up to deliver innovation solutions to your customers!

Surfernet's Solutions


InnovaLands is Surfernet's NEW Metaverse Experience that offers visitors an amazing 3D immersive world to explore different virtual districts and spaces where businesses & merchants present their best products, recent news & updates and more business opportunities.

Commercial Virtual Spaces are currently available for Merchants and Companies, from a nice selection of shops models available at our 3D Building & Design Mall to full-size buildings where your company can display a larger variety of products, services and brand elements within the InnovaLands world.

Some available key features:

Immersive Virtual Experience

Custom Commercial Virtual Spaces

3D Virtual Malls for Smaller Companies'Presence

Social Interaction Features

Accessible from Any Device Inlucing VR Goggles

Case Study
Case Study